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The journey of an apprenticeship in Electrical Engineering.

Student and Apprentice at DCNS 

Photo title: DCNS – Ollioules Location (Toulon, Var, France)) 

Photo Credit: https://tpm-agglo.fr 

  • Presentation of the Company Functions : 

The functions of DCNS are divided into two sectors. The naval defense (surface ships, submarines, day-to-day operation and maintenance) and energy (marine renewable energy, civil nuclear energy, construction of naval bases and power stations).

  • My Journey – From My Childhood to Today: 

My name is Olivier Kopp. Soon 25 years old. I am originally from Toulon (Var, France).

Photo Title: View of Toulon, from the side of the military port

Photo Credit: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Port_militaire_de_Toulon.jpg


Ever since I was little, I have been passionate about various technologies and anything that involves energy and the environment. For instance, during my technology classes in middle school I was always eager to participate in the projects that the professor had assigned (blinkers/horns for bikes, an LED key-ring). So when an electronic or hi-fi device wasn’t working, I would take it apart to see if I could either fix it or recover any of the remaining pieces to create something else.

After middle school I chose to go to a general high school that was technology-oriented. There was an option for Introduction to Engineering Sciences, as well as for Computer Science and Production Systems.

At Lycee Rouviere (in Toulon, Var, France), I thus completed my Baccalaureat STI (Industrial Sciences and Technologies) with a concentration on GELT (Electrical Engineering). I never envisioned myself attending an engineering school, even less studying on an alternating schedule. This was partly because I was not familiar with the possibilities offered by such schools, and also because of my family’s lower-middle class status. For that reason, I considered a BTS.

So I left Toulon for Strasbourg. I studied for two years at Lycee Couffignal (Strasbourg, Alsace, France), where I completed my BTS in Electrical Engineering.

Following my BTS, I prepared myself for entrance into an engineering school, specifically one that would offer studies on an alternating schedule. I ended up at INSA in Strasbourg (Alsace, France) in the Electrical Engineering program. This is where I currently study! 

I work for DNCS in Toulon (Var, France).

What motivates me as a student-engineer is having the opportunity to extend my studies into a professional environment. Studying and working at the same time allows me to apply what I have already learned, acquire new knowledge, and develop my work experience. 


  • Studies at INSA Strasbourg in Electrical Engineering: 

Currently in the fourth year, we have theoretical courses that are meant to compliment the various subjects concerning Electrical Engineering, and then we have Laboratory Work that allows us to realistically observe whatever we are studying. Over the years we have carried out numerous projects in which we work in small groups and share knowledge from several areas (automation, electrical engineering, industrial computing). 

For instance, we are currently creating various prototypes in line with the industry 4.0 theme. This involves implementing automated management within buildings, which allows for proper response to environmental conditions and overall better energy efficiency.


  • My Duties at Work: 

I work for DCNS at the Ollioules and Toulon locations (Var, France), specifically in the IFS service (functional integration system) for the PACDG ATM2 project: Major Technical Aircraft Carrier Stop 2. I work as a Functional Integrator.

There are various activities involved in my job; I test numerous high-technology systems, follow procedures by reporting my findings, and manage the database of tests performed on platforms.

This requires a great deal of curiosity because everything that I work with is at the cutting-edge of Electrical Engineering. Fortunately, this allows me to expand my understanding of what is demanded of an engineer and to develop my multidisciplinary skills. Demonstrating motivation, interest and the desire to learn is an absolutely critical part of my job. I am either guided to work independently (asking the right questions, demonstrating critical thinking, addressing the right people depending on what resources are needed) or interdependently (learning to effectively communicate with colleagues). 


  • A Visual Overview of My Work Environment:

Video Title: Présentation projet PACDG ATM2

Video Credit: https://www.navyrecognition.com 


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